In third level (White Cards), have vertical siblings, like second level (Yellow cards)
I try to thin slice my User Stories. That means that some of my User Stories are sequential tasks or journey points.
Currently I can, under a Yellow Card on the second level, put Stories one after the other on the third level in vertical columns. But I can't create a vertical layout to map stories "link" between columns.
Ability to have side cards like the yellow card is very important for the third level.
Because most likely one story will be just before another or may be actually in same level.
For example, "Online Paying" can be with Visa or MasterCard or Amex. I would like to have those 3 Paying Story on the same vertical row.
Creating yellow columns for this need would work if I had only one vertical, but if I have multiple verticals of various width, then I would not be able to do it efficiently.
Ability to have side cards for the third level, so I would have Feature - Epic - Multiple Stories horizontally mapped. That means that the first and second level would span horizontal also (or at least keep same size but next sibling card would be at the end of the "span")

KS commented
I need this function, to display sequential tasks, very useful. I use this tool for story mapping.
Thomas Robbs commented
I agree with this idea but would like to add more to what was described.
Having sibling cards at the 3rd level, which sit to the right of a particular card, is part of how the original "story mapping" concept was described and is widely used.
That is, if you imagine that you have time moving from left to right on the map, then a 2nd level card may break down into a set of cards like this...
Card A "and then" Card B "and then" Card C
Card D
Card E "and then" Card F
etc.When it starts to get messy, one might reconsider the user experience that is being mapped - but that's outside the scope of this request.
So if I'm on a card, I should be able to "press right" and "n" for a new card to the right of the current card, much like I can do on the 2nd row.
This would in turn push any cards already to the right of it further to the right to "insert" the new card as a sibling to the one on its left.
Note: The same logic would apply for those that read right to left vs. left to right.
Carlos Merlo commented
I'am totaly agree!