Adding release anywhere
"Allow adding releases anywhere – not just at the bottom. I don’t want anything to restrict me moving things freely around the board."
As a product owner I collect ideas in latter releases onto the bottom of the board. I'd like to easily add the next release above those releases so that I can drag the cards into it that are selected for the next release.
Our release mangement is updated now, please check out the article about it in our Help center:
Anonymous commented
Fully agree! I want to have the oldest release at the bottom. New unclassified items also show up at the bottom.
Dear John,
When you add a new release at the bottom, you can move that upper in the manage releases menu. Then you won't have to move all the cards to the bottommost release. -
John De Goes commented
Exactly! To have a backlog, we need to put the backlog release at the bottom, and then insert new releases in between the last release and the backlog.
Without this feature, it means a user has to manually transfer all cards from the last release (the old backlog) into the new backlog release. When there are 100's of issues, this can take a long time and be extremely frustrating!