allow delete of card by hitting 'delete' key
Often I hit 'tab' too many times and find myself creating too many cards. Other times I simply need to remove a duplicate story. I'd like to quickly be able to delete these cards without having to go into the card details.
Delete key deletes a card (and its subcard) with confirmation.
Shift+Delete key a card (and its subcard) WITHOUT confirmation.
You can get help about other useful shortcuts with the “?” key.
dave.womer commented
Yes - I didn't realize you could do this until I hit delete out of habit and found it on my own. I did accidentally delete an entire stack. I'm going to write up a suggestion for an "Undo" feature.
Thanks Dave! Actually you can use the keyboard for many things on the board. You can select the top left card with the home key (or any other card with the mouse) and move the selection to other cards with the arrow keys. You can edit the title with the F2 key, open the details with enter (and close the popup with one more enter). Also you can delete the selected card with the delete key and quick-delete it with the shift-delete key (without confirmation, so be cautious, it will even delete a top level card with all it's sub-cards without hesitation)
You can get a list of the keyboard shortcuts with the '?' key or in the top right '...' menu.
Is this what you thought of?