I would be nice to have a REST-API for getting and setting the board data automatically

daniel commented
How about instead of a rest api, just broadcast events that we can subscribe to via or
Stephan Johansen commented
This is really a needed feature from my perspective, I would just like to be able to access data in my storyboards. I know I can manually export to excel, but this only partly cover my needs. Please add this feature!
Anonymous commented
Lack of API resulted me to switch to other mapping tool.
I prefer automation over nice-looking app, so I'm considering comeback only if API appears here. -
Christopher Dalid commented
User Story Mapping is a very powerful tool to plan for product development (total picture, scoping, context etc.); we use it as a key tool for POs themselves but also a key Dev-Team+PO interaction. To make it feasible as a core process it's important that there is a strong connection with execution which usually is tracked in a issue/task/etc management system such as JIRA (and others). If (when) there is no integration between StoriesOnBoard and the issue/task/etc management system the pain is significant as manual synchronisation is a dread and waste of time.
The existing integration with JIRA is great, and there are some other ones as well; however, it's not feasible for StoriesOnBoard to provide integrations for all existing apps used by Tech - what can be done is to provide a REST API to enable the Tech organisations to fix integrations themselves.So, first fo all an API would enable us to integrate with e.g. YouTrack. After that, who knows what we could come up with - and what the tech nerds could come up with on Hackdays :-)
Raski commented
this would allow us to extract some data from StoriesOnBoard, combine it with JIRA estimations = rolling release plan
Anonymous commented
To us it would be valuable to extract data for reporting purposes. At the moment we are counting Done vs Todo cards manually...
Anonymous commented
By providing open APIs you would allow any 3rd party integration greatly widening the possibile usage of your product.
Alex Stanciu commented
Hi Arpi
There's 2 things that I would do with an API:
1. Prioritization. If you have a LOT of cards (100's) it's very hard to order them with the current SOB UI. I have a custom tool that I built that grabs issues and maps them on a Value vs Effort chart, which produces a Score between -100 to 100, depending on the (x,y) possition on the chart. I then use this score to order the cards currently have to export the board, run the xls file through my tool, re-import the board (loosing all colors in the process, btw). If I could make my tool read/write to an SOB API directly, would make life a lot easier
2. GitHub integration. I know you guys are currently working on this, but we have boards with stories that span multiple github repos. If your integration won't allow hooking up to multiple repos, then I will need to use a GitHub webhook -> My own server -> SOB API to create or update stories on my board.
Let me know if this helps
Thanks Alex!
May I ask how would you manipulate the cards en mass?Arpi
Alex Stanciu commented
Yes, this is REALLY needed. It would save me the hassle of Export - Excel -> CSV -> Write script to manipulate cards en mass -> Excel -> Import.... Ugh
Anonymous commented
If this was available, folks could write custom integrations with other tools, maybe making this higher priority than "integrate with x"? :)
Anonymous commented
I'd love this feature, too. We could use it to derive a spec automatically from the story map. Thank you.
Wiebe Wiersema commented
I need to be able to get cards with content, position and color so I can import the board into powerpoint or visio to print A0 or B0 format
john commented
I would really like this functionality.