Save my storymaps versions
I want to be able to save my storymap current version so that I can go back if I make a mistake

Kashif Haidery commented
As a story mapping facilitator/PO,
I would like to be able to create versions of the product story map I am working on,
So that:
- I can revert back to the last saved version, in case of an error
- I can refer and present the last agreed upon version to my stakeholders, without me/them having a concern that the map was modified after the last discussions
- I can share different versions of the story maps to respective stakeholders as needed (multiple customers)
- I can lock/unlock the map being modified so that the map is protected from multiple parallel modifications -
charlievil commented
Having a version system of maps. How the maps has evolved in time. How the current maps has been created, with the possibility to tag certain points in the history.