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How to sync estimation field with Story points in Jira

To be able to send the estimation as Story points in Jira the Story points custom field needs to be visible on create and edit screens.

Please follow the instructions below to check and add the fields to the screen:

  1. Log in to Jira as the same user you used to set up the integration with StoriesOnBoard.
  2. Open Settings / Project / your project / Screens
  3. Check that what are the create and edit screens for the issue types you'd like syncing story points 

    Fields appearing on these screens can be updated from StoriesOnBoard through Jira's API
  4. Open Settings / Issues / Field Configurations / Configure

  5. Search for the "Story points" field and click on screens

  6. Tick the checkbox for the screens that is is used by the Edit and Create issue screens and click on update
  7. Create a new issue and check if the Story Points field is appearing on the create screen
  8. Open StoriesOnBoard and the story map you'd like to sync with Jira
  9. Open Board settings / Issue tracker integration and check if it says below the sync story points checkbox that there are issue types that the story points can be synced with

  10. Click on Save

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