346 results found
Assembla Integration
Tool integration with Assembla.
There is currently no/little support for Story Mapping with Assembla integration.1 vote -
Sync a map with multiple Trello boards
About trello integration! :) Amazing!
What I think would be really nice to do is add support for multiple trello boards.
So you could setup different trellos for example different epics.Live case:
you have 3 teams which are working on one product.
and each team do not need to see at daily basis what other are doing.
it is easier for them to have at a glance only work assigned to them.
so I setup one trello per team
and export to each trello only those epics what they need.cheers!
25 votes -
Add value and complexity estimates to help prioritization
In addition to the duration estimates, allow to record complexity and value estimates. These could be a drop downs or text boxes to enter numbers
23 votes -
Ability to change the default color of a card level
Ability to change the default color of a card level
27 votes -
Remove cards from Trello board if I move them to unscheduled
When I move something out of a Release into the Unscheduled area I want that change to also be reflected on my Trello Kanban board
(i.e. I only want things to be on the Trello board that are scheduled for Release)
8 votes -
4 votes
As workspace admin I want to change the default colors of cards so I can match colors to a physical map
Custom default color for activity, task and subtask cards
20 votes -
Multiple colors to cards
Add multiple colors to a card, like if for example one is High Priority and In progress.
2 votes -
Export card's custom colors in Excel map too
Like it is exported in png.
31 votes -
Provide goals for one or more rows
Provide a way to specify the goal of a lane. E.g. place the goal on the first column so that one or more rows can be grouped to a specific business goal.
3 votes -
Flexibility on Board Orientation
More flexibility on creating tasks and subtasks. I was trying to add user groups on top of them, but there is a limitation of two rows max.
Maybe create it more like an actual board.2 votes -
Synchronize effort Field between stories on board and tracking system
Link card effort measure to matched field in external tracking system i.e. Two-way sinking between effort fields.
3 votes -
Allow T-shirt sizing for estimates
Allow estimation units to be T-short sizes i.e. Small, Medium, Large
27 votes -
It would be good for the three level view to support hide/expand on the yellow cards as well.
For a given release, I may only be doing 3 of the 10 yellow cards. I would like to view the release from that perspective.
2 votes -
Export 2 level view of storymap
Export 2 level view of storymap
36 votes -
Save my storymaps versions
I want to be able to save my storymap current version so that I can go back if I make a mistake
22 votes -
View archived release content on a separate screen.
It would be nice to be able to view archived releases on a separate screen somewhere. Sometimes certain users might want to look back at what was done in a release for reporting purposes, without having to reactivate the release and having it clog up the board.
11 votes -
Fit to window function
Fit to window will enable the user to zoom out, to see the entire storymap in the browser window.
1 vote -
TargetProcess integration
Add TargetProcess to the integration roadmap
14 votes -
Compact visualization option
One of the things I like about physical story boards is that they're more compact visually because the increment lines are not forced to be strictly a horizontal line. They can be drawn between the subtasks with vertical connectors between each column, eliminating the need for all the empty space created when columns have an uneven number of subtasks in the columns. As a first increment, you could create that option just for visualization purposes in the JPG export and see what people think of it. Ideally it would be an available view in the working space. I'd be happy…
11 votes
- Don't see your idea?