How do I subscribe to the paid subscription?
If you'd like to subscribe for fewer number of editors, but you can't select it please set some of the workspace members to observer to be able to subscribe for less editorial licenses. You can set the workspace members' roles from the workspace's Manage / Manage People menu.
The invited workspace members are also counted against the editors if the were invited with editor roles.
A subscription is a workspace in StoriesOnBoard. This means that if you had multiple workspaces during the beta period and you’d like to have only one subscription, you need to move your story maps into one workspace. You can find more information about moving story maps into another workspace in our blog post:
The maps can be separated with permissions within the workspace, they don't need to be accessible (or even seen) by everyone.
For the yearly plan you can also use wire transfer as the payment method.
Please contact us if you encounter any problems or have questions while subscribing.